Shared Ownership Mortgage Calculator


Monthly Payment


Total Payments


Total Interest Payments


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Shared ownership mortgage calculator – Figure out the total cost

Shared ownership is about owning a certain percentage of the house that means nothing is 100% in such purchase. From the mortgage need to the ownership deed made by a solicitor, nothing claims cent per cent right on the home. The housing association owns the rest part of the part, and it makes it necessary to clear things between the two owners. To know your part of the financial responsibility, the use of a shared ownership mortgage calculator becomes essential.

Shine Mortgages owns advanced calculators for every calculation on shared ownership. Our team of experts sits with you and figures out a rational solution for every need on the mortgage part. We are the experts of drawing a clear picture of your affordability in contrast to the purchase cost and the shared ownership mortgage lenders we have. With our whole-of-the-market approach, you can always stay calm because only the best option in the industry comes to you.

How does shared ownership calculator work?

The calculator gives a ‘near to perfect’ estimation of all the costs and related fee and charges applicable to your home buying. The calculator provides a hint of the monthly repayments and the deposit amount. Never forget one thing that your personal financial circumstances leave a potential impact on the actual costs. Thus, it is wise to take the results of the calculation an idea only.


Fill some necessary financial information about the deal, and you will get the answer –

  • Property Value – The total price of the property you are buying. For example, if a home has the cost of £2,50,000, then you need to mention the full amount.
  • Interest rate – The generic rate of interest that is popular in the market. It is between minimum and maximum. The current conditions of the market are considered in this concern.
  • Share to purchase – This column needs the mention of the precise percentage of the property you will buy. For instance – if it is 40% then mention it here.
  • Repayment period – Fill this space with the number of repayment years you want to have as the tenure, such as 20 years, 25 years etc.


Following things, you get as the result of the calculation that helps in a rational decision on the shared ownership mortgage.

  • Share to purchase amount - It is the amount that you need to pay to buy your share of the property. If you are buying 40%, then it will show that percentage.
  • Minimum deposit required - Yes, it is the down payment you have to provide to make the purchase possible. 10% is usually the minimum deposit demand.
  • Mortgage amount – This section mentions the mortgage amount that you will need to buy the home. It does not include the deposit amount.
  • Monthly mortgage instalment – As you understand, it is the amount you need to pay as the monthly instalment. It is the mix of interest and principal amount like any other repayment mortgage.

The results obtained from the shared ownership affordability calculator are always impressionable according to the market conditions and the financial circumstances of the borrower. Also, the lender policies are still relevant to this aspect.

Shared ownership rent calculator – For the rest of the house you do not own

Of course, only the part of the home you buy comes under your ownership, but what about using the other part that is owned by the housing association? You have occupied the complete property but hold only a certain percentage. For the rest of the space you have given a rent to the association and to calculate that shared ownership rent calculator helps.

  • Total property price – Mention the full amount of the property, including your share and housing associations’ share. Example – Total cost of the property is £200,000. Mention it in the column.
  • Equity retained by a housing association – This column needs the mention of the property share owned by the association. Suppose if it is 50%, mention it here. It becomes the base of calculation.

Shared ownership staircasing calculator – When you purchase the bigger part with the existing one

Starcasing lets you buy more of the home you already own up to a specific limit. You can buy the complete share or maybe a bit more than the existing one. The shared ownership staircasing calculator provides the estimation of how much can be purchased from the property share according to your financial circumstances. Also, calculate the related costs to get the idea of the overall expenses.

The details asked in the calculator may differ from lender to lender, but mostly the format of the calculator is more or less similar. We give you a generalised estimation which always helps.

Note: It is also necessary to inform you that your recent credit applications and financial behaviour should be organised and disciplined. Besides, every mortgage provider wants to see you with a less burden of debts. However, the balance of credit mix is also essential. Keep a wise blend of small term and long term debts; it helps in attainment of approval quickly.

Let us handle the mess of the numbers from the details you provide to us. We will surely find out some solution for you that is affordable and suits your needs. Once we are done with the calculations, we match you to the suitable mortgage lenders on our panel. The process is fast and professionally efficient; this is all we commit to you.